Saddam Hussein | $2 billion

The fifth President of Iraq, who reigned from July 16, 1976, to April 9, 2003, Saddam Hussein Abd al-Majid al-Tikriti is part of the Baghdad-based Ba’ath Party and the Iraqi Ba’ath Party. Even though he formally rose to power in 1979, he was the de facto head of Iraq several years prior. Half a dozen military trucks were used to remove more than a billion dollars from the Central Bank of Iraq at some point before the invasion of America in Iraq. Back in the ‘60s and ‘70s, Hussein was the vice-chairman of the Revolutionary Command Council, eventually moving up the ranks in the Iraqi government.

At the time of his passing, Hussein had a total net worth of $2 billion. He is credited for building somewhere between 80 to 100 palaces all over the country. Clearly, he’s had a very precipitous fall from grace, but nobody can say he didn’t live like a king for a while.
