Susanna Lemann, Wife of Jorge Paulo Lemann

Jorge Paulo Lemann is a Brazilian billionaire who got his fortune from various businesses and investments. The Brazilian billionaire is married to Susanna Lemann, his second wife. It’s amazing how a man worth $24.6 billion can still spend time with his family. Jorge constantly makes sure that he spends quality family time with Susanna and their five children. Susanna Lemann, on the other hand, also owns businesses herself. She owns Matuete travel agency and is a natural educator. It’s safe to say that Susanna can generate income for her family, too.

Susanna and Jorge currently live in Switzerland. Both have dual Brazilian and Swiss citizenship. They made a move to transfer from Brazil to Switzerland together with their five kids for security reasons. Credit both Jorge and Susanna for keeping their family’s safety a priority. As for Jorge, he still manages numerous business ventures while keeping his marriage with Susanna at bay.
