Sonia Tudor Jones, Wife of Paul Tudor Jones

Sonia Tudor Jones is a health and wellness expert married to Paul Tudor Jones, who has a massive net worth of $4.3 billion. Sonia, the former Australian fashion model, adopted Paul’s last name when they got married. How did Paul manage to accumulate so much money, you ask. He got his fortune by being the chairman of Tudor Investment Corporation. She is a popular yogi amongst the health and fitness experts. She founded a studio called JOIS Yoga Studios. Believe it or not, James encourages their children to go into macro trading.

Aside from putting up various firms, Paul also has a charitable heart. The truth is, he founded the Bedford Stuyvesant I Have A Dream Foundation. His main goal was to give more focus on poverty reduction which is a crisis that needs to be attended to. He also made huge donations to Universities close to his heart.  Sonia and Paul have joined the Giving Pledge.
