Diana Taylor, Partner of Michael Bloomberg

Diana Taylor is the civil partner of billionaire Michael Bloomberg, who is estimated to be worth $54.9 billion as of today. He is one of the highest-paid business men. Bloomberg holds many titles, from entrepreneur to politician. In fact, he held office as the mayor of New York City. He is known to be a generous giver, sharing his wealth with the less fortunate. Most of his philanthropic work focuses on the environment, illegal firearms regulation, and education.

His lawyers finalized his separation from his first wife but Diana and Michael did not see the point of getting married. They’ve been together since 2000 and not ready for another serious relationship. In a previous interview, she shared her initial thoughts on marriage and settling down. She had imagined going to New York, getting married, moving to the suburbs, and having kids, but her reality turned out to be far more adventurous.
