Lucinda Southworth, Wife of Larry Page

Lucinda Southworth is married to software engineer and tech businessman Larry Page. The famous man behind the web giant Alphabet has an estimated net worth of an overwhelming amount of $77 billion. Page created Google with Sergey Brin after finishing their degrees at Stanford. Lucinda and Larry have been married since 2007. They held their wedding ceremony on one of Page’s lavish properties, on Necker Island. The couple has two children whom they adore the most. Their home is located in a 9,000 square-foot estate in Palo Alto, California where the family of four is currently residing.

From the time they bought the house, they have acquired nearby properties, tearing them down and expanding their area. Larry Page is known to have several investments and has recently bought a $45 million yacht as well, which he named Senses. While he is known to make a few big purchases from time to time, the Carl Victor Page Memorial Fund controls over $1 billion worth of assets that Page has donated.
