If Elon Musk gets the title of being the richest man in the world, then his female counterpart would have to be L’Oreal heiress and French billionaire Francoise Bettencourt Meyers. With an estimated net worth of $58.6 billion, she has held the title since 2017, partly due to inheriting one-third of the company from her mother. What most people don’t know is that she actually has a somewhat fraught relationship with the elder Meyers.

Despite her billionaire status, Meyers has shown to be a humble person up close, blending in with the crowd by being a fan of playing the piano and attending to common parties. It’s glad to see that all that money didn’t get to her head, unlike other billionaires who brag about their wealth to a certain degree.  She’s still as hardworking as ever, being a member of the company’s board of directors and has personal experience in writing as well.
